The Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Program aims to advance Minnesota's agricultural and renewable energy sectors by increasing productivity, improving efficiency, and aiding in the development of agricultural products.
Types of Projects: Projects that enhance farm profitability, explore new agricultural methods, develop new markets, and improve the state's agricultural infrastructure.
Eligibility: Applicants must be principal operators of livestock operations in Minnesota, state residents, or business entities authorized to farm in Minnesota. They must hold appropriate feedlot registration if applicable and be in good standing with the state.
Funding Amounts: A total of $650,000 will be awarded in the FY 2024 spring round. The grant covers 10% of the first $250,000 of an eligible investment, with a maximum grant amount of $25,000 per project per fiscal year. Each individual or farm can receive only one grant in FY 2024.
Application Timeline: Applications are accepted annually with varying specific deadlines.For more information, visit "AGRI Livestock Investment Grant"
Choose Iowa Grants support programs that add value to agricultural products, enable new technologies, and support alternative marketing strategies, leveraging private investment to assist Iowa farmers, businesses, and nonprofits.
Types of Projects: Expand or refurbish milk plants, mobile dairy processing units, and associated facilities. Rent necessary buildings and equipment to expand dairy processing capacity. Incorporate labor-reducing technologies like robotics and computerized equipment.
Funding Amounts: $750,000 available with up to $100,000 per grant. A 1:1 match is required, and in-kind contributions are not accepted. Funds are reimbursed after project completion.
Eligibility: Must be located in Iowa, permitted by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and employ fewer than 50 individuals. Membership in Choose Iowa brand program is not required.
Application Timeline: Mid-October through mid-December for the Value-Added Grant and mid-December through end of January or early February for the Dairy Innovation Grant.
For more information, visit "Choose Iowa Grants"
The Dairy Business Builder program offers grants to small-scale dairy farmers and processors to enhance their operations.
Types of Projects: Targeted at small-to-medium size farmers or processors, focusing on diversifying activities, creating value-added products, and enhancing dairy by-products or export programs.
Funding Amounts: Reimbursement grants of up to $100,000 for eligible expenses.
Eligibility: New or existing dairy farms or facilities in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Applicants must be for-profit entities, have an EIN, and be in good standing with the IRS. Previous awardees must propose different projects or phases.
Application Timeline: Application windows typically open twice a year, in spring and fall. For 2024, applications are due October 23, 2024.
For more information, visit "DBIA Business Builder Grant"
The VAPG program, administered by the USDA, funds farmers and groups to create or develop value-added businesses, increasing farm income and marketing opportunities.
Types of Projects: Changing the physical state of products, marketing special character or identity products, transforming natural resources into energy, and aggregating locally-produced food.
Funding Amounts: Approximately $31 million available. Maximum grant amounts are $75,000 for Planning Grants and $250,000 for Working Capital Grants. A 100% cost-share match is required.
Eligibility: Independent producers, agricultural producer groups, cooperatives, and majority-controlled producer-based ventures.
Application Timeline: No set timeframe for the Notice of Solicitation of Applications (NOSA); typically, applicants have 60 to 90 days to apply.
For more information, visit "Value-Added Producer Grants"
The EECBG Program supports states, local governments, and Tribes in reducing energy use, fossil fuel emissions, and improving energy efficiency.
Types of Projects: Energy audits, building retrofits, renewable energy installations, and initiatives that reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
Funding Amounts: $550,000,000
Eligibility: Development and implementation of energy efficiency and conservation strategies, including hiring consultants, conducting energy audits, establishing financial incentive programs, and promoting energy-efficient transportation.
Application Timeline: The deadline for local governments is October 31, 2024, and for Tribes, it is May 31, 2025.
For more information, visit "EECBG Program"